Status 20240505: Workhorse finally dies; Epiphany; Resolution of EG circuit.

I was preparing the next video in the EG experimental series. But went to pull data from the workhorse computer and it would not start. Need to finish installing the software of the mini replacement So I can have something to use during the week. ( I was hoping the workhorse would last until memorial week vacation). Only thing lost was the simulation results for the EG circuit.

A brief synopsis of the video (it will be finished next weekend)

1) Demonstrate that Ethereal Mechanics wins regardless of the outcome of the EG experiment

       Much more interesting outcome if the experiment shows nothing. That means there must be another force (it will make sense when you see the video next weekend)

2) An epiphany struck this weekend (also diverted time from completing the video )

      The epiphany reconciles that the nichrome anomaly is an error in the published values for nichrome. The experiment will allow us to obtain the correct values. The derivation will be in the video

3) Finished the analysis of the EG component values. Derivation will be in the video


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