New blog member but a etherealmechanics patreon member for 3 years


My name is Joe Tavares, I’m a recently retired professional electrical engineer.

I have designed 3 free energy devices and they are offered for free and are open source:

A high voltage homopolar generator consumes 0.1 kw and produces 30 kw electrical power.

A  no back emf motor  consumes 0.05 kw and produces mechanical power equivalent to 20 kw.

A electromagnetic thruster lifts 1000 kg against gravity and consumes 0.2 kw.

In  the link to my youtube channel there are videos with detailed design instructions and explanations on  how they work.

Regarding the candidate for the missing term for NEV5:

In the experiments in the video D004 New electromagnetism demonstration, it was demonstrated that a wire moving towards or outwards from a magnet at rest results in an induction and corresponds to term #2 in NEV5 equation. Also demonstrated was a magnet moving towards or outwards from a wire at rest results in an induction and corresponds to term #3 in NEV5 equation. What was not demonstrated is what would happen if the wire and the magnet moved together. The wire is placed on the side of the magnet and moving both the wire and the magnet together sideways. Counter intuitively, an induction will still occur. Could this be the missing term in the NEV5 equation. It could be expressed as follow: A Target charge and a Source current element with the current direction perpendicularly and parallel to the page moving together sideways results in a force on the Target charge in the SAME direction as the current direction if the charge is on the LEADING side of the current element with respect to the sideways movement or results in a force on the Target charge in the OPPOSITE direction as the current direction if the charge is on the LAGGING side of the current element with respect to the sideways movement. Note: I’m using electrical engineering definition for current direction. Therefore a Force in a direction results in induced current flow in opposite direction.

Patreon FeedSebastianG


  • SebastianGSebastianG Posts: 184
    @Joe Welcome! Thanks for you introduction, very interesting! 
    Have you talked with @Distinti about your thoughts about the Electromagnetic Equations?

    It would be really awesome if the electromagnetic thruster could lift 1000 kg!
    Are you planning to build one?
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